“The reason why one man is great and another man is living in mediocrity is simply because one understood the value of time while the other did not.”

“Life is about time. Spend more time than you do money on others. Give time more than any other gift. Also, take time when you need to. Take time for you when you need it. Sometimes time is all we have with the people we love the most. I ask you to slow down in life. To take your time, but don’t waste it.”

“The recession and regression of any society are always an indication of how poorly the citizens of that country understand the value of time.”

“The wealth of time is the only wealth that is more valuable than human resources.”

“If you must record some greatness in your account before you leave this earth, you must value time and understand the importance of time conversion.”

“When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd, you will be running away from distractions.”

“When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd.”

“No man can achieve success if he didn’t first know the value of time.”

“Lots of people wait around “for the right time”. People don’t know that there is no such thing as a right time. Time is never right nor wrong. The only negative factor of time is that you can lose it and the only positive factor of time is that you can seize it.”

“It’s so easy to take time for granted, without thinking about its value. And yet, here i am on the racetrack, where the whistle was blown long time ago.”