“The greatest treasure in life is the possession of time. Tragically, though, it is that same time that is often least treasured or valued by men who still possess it.”

“Run well and win in this race of life by converting your time into added values and products.”

“It is either you are converting time into a product or into a value chain or you are killing, wasting and throwing away your life.”

“It is through solitude that you can convert your time into something of value.”

“Solitude is the measure through which you could concentrate on using your time. It is through solitude that you can convert your time into something of value. Solitude is a way of overcoming distraction so that you can convert your time into something of worth.”

“Don’t join the queue of ignorant people who do not know that their time flies away into vanity daily. Don’t be a part of the lazy lot who cannot discipline themselves in solitude to convert their time into products or added value.”

“Time is needed to convert all ideas and added values into the tangible products that benefits the world.”

“The recession and regression of any society are always an indication of how poorly the citizens of that country understand the value of time.”

“The wealth of time is the only wealth that is more valuable than human resources.”

“If you must record some greatness in your account before you leave this earth, you must value time and understand the importance of time conversion.”

“You can be great in any area of life, just learn to convert time into added value and tangible products.”

“You have to come to understand that your life is diminishing rapidly if you don’t convert it into valuable products.”