All Quotes By Tag: Justice
“You are not white,but a rainbow of colors.You are not black,but golden.You are not just a nationality,but a citizen of the world.You are not just for the right or left,but for what is right over the wrong.You are not just rich or poor,but always wealthy in the mind and heart.You are not perfect, but flawed.You are flawed, but you are just.You may just be conscious human,but you are also a magnificentreflection of God.”
“WONDERLANDIt is a person’s unquenchable thirst for wonderThat sets them on their initial quest for truth.The more doors you open, the smaller you become.The more places you see and the more people you meet,The greater your curiosity grows.The greater your curiosity, the more you will wander.The more you wander, the greater the wonder.The more you quench your thirst for wonder,The more you drink from the cup of life.The more you see and experience, the closer to truth you become.The more languages you learn, the more truths you can unravel.And the more countries you travel, the greater your understanding.And the greater your understanding, the less you see differences.And the more knowledge you gain, the wider your perspective,And the wider your perspective, the lesser your ignorance.Hence, the more wisdom you gain, the smaller you feel.And the smaller you feel, the greater you become.The more you see, the more you love –The more you love, the less walls you see.The more doors you are willing to open,The less close-minded you will be.The more open-minded you are,The more open your heart.And the more open your heart,The more you will be able to Send and receive –Truth and TRUEUnconditionalLOVE.”
“You have a right to have a godly anger to bring about change, godliness and justice in the society.”
“The human voice is still the most paramount vessel or weapon to use, to uphold justice and to protest against injustice.”
“When insulted by injustice, face it, stand up against it and demand your right and justice.”
“For every seed of godliness, kindness and justice sowed, there will be surely be a harvest of goodness, significance and greatness.”
“The Lord is concerned about the poor receiving justice and that they are not neglected or cheated.”
“You have received a mandate not given by man, but given and empowered by God, to bring justice to the people and godliness on the earth.”
“There is a commanded blessing on anyone that values, esteems and stands for justice in society.”
“If there is anything the leaders in the society or the nations must take note of is to know the importance of justice.”
“Those who fight for social justice and the rights of people will count any other thing as unimportant.”
“God loves justice and He desires mankind to love the same.”
“You can be a person with a strong passion or holy anger and be furious in a way that will make the society safer, godly, with social justice and equity.”
“When justice is prioritized by any leader at any level then to give justice to the citizenry will always be at the back of the mind of such a leader.”
“It is the people who are displeased with injustice that can be a channel for social justice.”