All Quotes By Tag: Leaders
“The only service to be done for our downtrodden sisters and brother, is to give them education to develop their individuality. We must give them ideas, alongside cultivating their living conditions.”
“If lawmakers in nations today refused to be bribed and be corrupted by some larger-than-life leaders, the people will be less insulted and molested by ungodliness and injustice.”
“The architect and the father of war are covetousness of the leaders and of different interest groups fueling war.”
“If there is anything the leaders in the society or the nations must take note of is to know the importance of justice.”
“The leaders have the responsibility to protect and hold in high esteem the law and virtues of the land.”
“If there is any society where the leaders lack the knowledge and the importance of justice, then oppression will be a common neighbor of the citizens.”
“Life is a divine blessing for those who live life to add values in the lives of others.”
“Self-education is open to all but it is taken only by those who refuse to live a small and purposeless life.”
“At the end of it all, it is our relationship with people that will determine whether they will share in our pain if we fall into dangers.”
“I trust that you are aware that today’s success is tomorrow’s mediocrity. This means anything appealing today will be appalling tomorrow.”
“A leader’s goal is to remain relevant even when time changes.”
“Keep to active learning. You must learn, research and be so passionate about new ways and methods of doing things to be and remain relevant.”
“The same styles you used earlier may become monotonous over time. You want to remain relevant, so you got to change that style.”
“The same styles you used earlier may become monotonous over time. You want to remain relevant, so you got to change that style. Reinvent yourself always: You must create a new you”
“The change the world needs is not in the hand of everyone who is alive. It is in the works of those who deliberately contribute to make it a better place.”