All Quotes By Tag: Leaders
“Most of the people who attempt to draw back the success of the world are those who don’t care about anything. They live life every day without asking why.”
“It’s never wrong to be rich, but I want to believe, success is not limited to riches; it involves influence. If your riches don’t create any impact, you are missing it.”
“Remember, one step leads to the other and therefore never neglect the first step. It will give you the confidence you need to sail through with victory”
“Watch out; success will only arrive when your action are strong enough to attract them.”
“You can’t work with people you hate and succeed. At least, you won’t get the optimum of what you would have obtained when you work with people you love.”
“The essence of adversity is to show us the real brave people who can withstand it.”
“Calamities reveal your capabilities. Take note of this and when times get odd, prepare and shine.”
“A leader’s meal is that unstoppable desire to stay late to see his dreams achieved. They never give up.”
“Get this; without a continuous struggle, your previous struggles will become a waste. Stay on and hold on until the success become evident.”
“Some bad friends are so crafty in such a way that by the time their mission is reveal, they have already executed portions of it.”
“I suggest to you, late or not late, the moment you have discovered that the mission of someone is to pee on your dreams, keep him away or keep away from him.”
“The rise or fall, success or failure of your dreams is largely dependent on the association you build yourself around.”
“The height of your success will be measured with reference to the depth from which you started.”
“Never take tiny dreams for granted. They contain giant success stories.”
“Imitating recent successes is a game that everybody knows how to play. But seeing the next big thing before anybody else sees it is far more valuable… It means being a little bit wrong at just the right time.”