“Get this; without a continuous struggle, your previous struggles will become a waste. Stay on and hold on until the success become evident.”

“Fear kills dreams more than failure”

“As I began examining my successes and failures, what I gradually realized was that the very same activities that had rescued me from failure, that had carried me from the failure line up to the survival line, would also rescue me from average and carry me from the survival line to the success line-IF I WOULD JUST KEEP DOING THEM.”

“You need to be able to think Independently.”

“Look forward to failure. Fail quickly. If it does not start with Failure it is probably not meant to be”

“If you persist in doing what everyone feels you can’t do, they’ll soon see your success and ask “how did you do it?”

“Sometimes my successes come quickly and at other times they are terribly slow to arrive. It is not my place to determine the speed at which they arrive or if they arrive at all. My place is to keep forging ahead no matter what.”

“Don’t just wish for success, earn it!”

“Being the first to start or leave does not necessarily mean that you will be the first to finish or arrive. Or that you will finish or arrive.”

“Persistence refines the miserable piece of carbon in you into the purest form of diamond.”

“In life there is only one enemy who can stop your dreams – you!”

“Be armed with purpose, persistence and intention and the enemy called defeat will choose another to battle.”

“Those who dig for water and give up, make potholes. Those who persist and dig deep, make a well.”

“That’s the thing I’ve learned about mountains: the joy you feel at scaling them is in direct proportion to how high and impassable the peak appears to be once you’re on the other side of it.”