“To some extent, it is almost blasphemous to think that insult, anger and irritation could be a positive force.”

“There is a level of positive anger that needed to be alive and to make a head way in this life.”

“This is the way to shine; to make a difference even as you choose to stand up, speak out and maintain a valid positive opinion.”

“It takes wisdom, power and influence to be able to make a positive impact on what goes on in society and in the nation as a whole.”

“There is definitely a positive aspect of anger such as, anger at sin and anger at ungodliness or injustice of the society.”

“Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.”

“If we could be humble enough to submit our passions, sentiments and even weaknesses to God Almighty, he would successfully convert them to something positive that would eventually glorify Him.”

“You need to be able to think Independently.”

“Look forward to failure. Fail quickly. If it does not start with Failure it is probably not meant to be”

“Do what you have to do… before you do what you want to do.”

“Take time to feed your soul and keep the mind-body-spirit connection strong.”

“I believe the sun will rise in the morning, the moon at night and everything is good until proven otherwise.”

“Inspiration gives us courage to keep going in the face of illness, misfortune, and loss.”

“Inspiration opens windows to new possibilities, giving us vision with what we can do with our lives.”

“Do not teach children about the meaning of inspiration. Lead by example and show them first hand. Actions speak louder than words.”