“Spread love. Hug the people you care about and make sure they know that you care and appreciate them. Make it known to your friends and family that you love them.”

“Try not to judge others. Because someone might have gone through something that you wouldn’t have survived if it happened to you.”

“و عندما إعتزلت العالم؛ وجدت نفسك، وجدت الحقيقة الغائبة، تصالحت مع خطاياك الكثيرة، و استمتعت بإخفاقاتك العديدة، تخلصت من أجنحة الملاك الكاذب، و مسحت عن وجهك المساحيق، واجهت صورتك أمام المرآة، و حجمك المجرد من تراهاتك الساذجة، إستعدلت حلتك المتواضعة، و خرجت بين الناس في سكون، قطرة يحملها سيل عرم، تتحرك بلا مقاومة و لا تفكير، لا تتسابق و لا تتجاوز الآخرين، فقط تقوم بما يجب أن تقوم به، و تستقر في النهاية في وعائها المقدر، و للعجب؛ لم تكن الرحلة مختلفة، فما إستطاع تمردها في السابق أن يغير المسار، و لم يستطع عصيانها أن يختار الوعاء، كانت و مازالت تتحرك و تستقر حيثما قدر لها، كانت واهمة؛ غالبتها الظنون حتى نسيت ما هي ؟ و عندما أدركت تحققت: قطرة و لها دور مهم؛ و لكنه محدد.”

“If You Forget Meif you forsake meI shall forget you toodon’t take me for the lone redbud that lay barebehind your windowin the gardenwith branches naked,robbed of lifein the dead of winterwaiting once againto embrace springwhich has forsaken it before.”

“La natura non prevede che i simili si attraggano. E per una ragione semplicissima che non mi stanco di ripeterti: le anime si incarnano per crescere, non per compiacere del livello raggiunto. Disdegnano le situazioni comode e hanno bisogno di sfide.”

“No podía sentirme una perdedora en el amor cuando me rodeaba en todas las versiones de Paloma.”

“Mistakes we make in the past sometimes keep us connected. Heartache sometimes keeps us connected.”

“The ones you have lost, keep them close to your heart. They are those missing pieces without whom the puzzle of your life will never complete.”

“He must have laughed at meevery single night,For I always missed the onewho was never mine.”

“…we were doing this…this weird circling thing, like we needed to figure out every single line of the script before we could even start the movie. I knew, and he knew, and we didn’t do a damn thing about it… It’s like we thought everything had to be perfect, or it wouldn’t work. Like it was a story.”

“Love is Not Bound By Anything, Nor Does it Bind Anything.”

“When you don’t feel loved, you will settle for feeling needed. The source of love is within you. Let it blossom. With every breath, you have everything you need.”

“We ran our brokenness against each other, in pure abandon. I knew you weren’t in it for the long run. I could feel it in the yearning of our bodies, the way our skin merged with desperation over and over, the way we held on too tight. I knew you weren’t the answer to my loneliness or the cure for all that ailed me, but you changed my life.You helped me realize that I could love again.And for that I am thankful.So thankful.”