All Quotes By Tag: Words-of-wisdom
“Come out my friend. Come out from the narrow lanes of darkness. Come out into the vivacious light of the day where all the glory resides.”
“Let your child see you doing a good deed instead of you telling him or her to do it, and the little child shall one day grow up to become a real kind human being.”
“Imagine the ancient society of India, and in fact all over the world, a few thousands years ago. In those days, rational thinking was quite scarce. Ignorance was the default mode of thinking. Only a handful of individuals were capable of higher intellectual thinking.”
“What one person calls miracle, I call nature.”
“The methodical implementation of modern human faculties that allow us human beings to transcend the physical limits of biological evolution is Education. However, today, the term education has become somehow synonymous with economic benefits and due to the primeval craving for security, it has disgracefully lost its very core of transcendence into the unknown. Thus, the very evolutionary seeds that gave birth to the method known as education have gone almost extinct in the modern industrialized system of soulless competition and regurgitation. Hence emerged the reason for me to get to the root of its quite unofficially accepted problems, and to concoct the thought processes that would make necessary amendments to the perceptual errors of what I call the three major nodes of education system, which are the teachers, the students and the parents.”
“All the calculus, quantum mechanics and languages in the world are worthless pieces of information, if they are not brought to the service of the society.”
“Knowledge shall set the mind free.”
“I wish I could hold time in my hands. I wish I could talk to it. Oh, how I would ask it to give me just a few more increments of its elusive power. How can something we can’t touch or see have so much control over our lives.It was time that took you too soon, too young, before I got to say all of the things I wanted to, needed to. Things you will never know. And I carry them like a weight, these words, these sentences, right in the middle of my chest, because they have nowhere else to go.If only time had allowed me to understand the things I would want to say after you were gone. That’s the thing. They told me “don’t leave anything unsaid.” But I didn’t know what I wanted to say until it was too late, until you were gone. It was the time afterward that held all the wisdom.”
“Age is irrelevant to wisdom.”
“The problem with creations is that they’ll never understand their true value. It’s the same with parents and children. The mother knows her daughter is important but she does not voice this fact. So the daughter will constantly wonder what her worth is. She will forever look to the mother for reassurance. The mother thinks the daughter is clingy. The daughter thinks the mother is cold. The truth is that they don’t communicate with one another. They just assume. And so they assume themselves into resentment. Where they never speak. They never listen. They die wondering why what they gave was never enough. Thankfully this is easily fixed. All that is required is an open mind and a little patience. But who the hell’s got time for that?”
“Be careful before you judge. More importantly, watch out for the judgements you place upon yourself.”
“While you are livinglearn how to depart from your self.It is the principle of the worldthat you can live only when you die.”
“We are all a little broken,Somewhere, Somehow, Sometime.& that’s okay!”
“Have patience.Sometimes, Great things can take a lot of time and we need to learn how to be patient. The way we act during this stage of waiting for someone or something to happen matters much more.”
“Admitting mistakes, apologizing is very important in life but change! Someone can’t just apologize and disappear. We need to be responsible. We have to clean up our mess. Actions are much more important than the words. Don’t repeat the same mistake over and over again and end up saying sorry. ‘I’m Sorry’ just isn’t enough always! If you still have the chance to undo the hurt with your actions, then you should. You must!”