“Technology was supposed to be the help in life, instead it has become the major driving force behind life.”

“Does one need to deceive oneself, to understand self-deception! If not, then why do you deceive yourself, by conforming to the social labels, be it a religious label, a non-religious label, a nationalist label, an intellectual label, or a gender label.”

“Even amid our problems we can find words that will help us explore, be mindful, grow, and create a better way of living.”

“Life is beautiful, and my words have allowed me to find and revel in that beauty.”

“Whatever you do, do as an original human – as a master, not as a slave.”

“Fail, fail and fail again – but never let those failures keep you from moving ahead.”

“Even if the whole world turns against you, until you agree, no failure, no crisis, no obscurity can win over you.”

“A life filled with excuses is defeated, unproductive, and miserable.”

“There’s nothing typical about Genuine Love. To be loved authentically is to be blessed beyond measure. Only a fool would take advantage of something that so many people yearn for.”

“Some people take loyalty way too far. I have boundaries when it comes to loyalty. Yes, I’m loyal, but not to a fault. I cannot and will not compromise myself for other people’s senseless behavior. I have common sense, a great deal of wisdom, and I value my life. Loyalty shouldn’t cost you your integrity, freedom, or your life. Think!”

“Genuine love is so very powerful! Only a fool would take advantage of something that so many people yearn for.”