“The dark sky, Thunder, and Your presence.”

“Believe in yourself, Give your best to everything and know that your one failure is not final.”

“Smartness will not save this world, warmth and wisdom will.”

“Do your thoughts continue and repeat a cycle Seed, growth, bloom, and seed again”

“Bravery is the choice to show up and listen to another person, be it a loved one or perceived foe, even when it is uncomfortable, painful, or the last thing you want to do.”

“One good thing about inspiration is that you don’t go for it, it comes to you naturally. Sometimes without even thinking.”

“In place of fellow feeling, seeing each other alone, is enough to raise the empathy of human beings.”

“When I look back on my personal story through my journals, it struck me my words had an unmatched power to heal me. To change me.”

“We may talk lightly but never carelessly. We keep at bay the flow of common, ignorant thought which runs its damaging course through the pathways of ordinary human conversation.”

“The things we say to people – often in passing – can remain as stories and soundtracks deep in their being for years afterwards.”

“Dear Fellow Human Being,You are born wild, You do not deserve to be tamed!Tell yourself,You do not deserve this!All those toxic words you have to listen from people,All those fears they try to pin on your mind,All those giggles they aim at your dreams,All those judgmental stares inspecting your individuality,All those fingers pointing towards your crude character,All those shackles that tie your feet to social expectations,All those cages that do not let your imagination fly free,Listen deeply, you do not deserve any of it.My dear fellow human, you do not deserve this hostility.You are born wild, You do not deserve to be tamed!”