“Only smart warrior decides which battle to fight first, and when.”

“The second most dangerous thing about money is that it leaves most of the people who have a lot of it with the unshakable belief that they are intelligent and well informed. The most dangerous thing about it is that it leaves most of the people who do not have a lot of money with the very same belief.”

“Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart; intelligence is not information alone but also judgement, the manner in which information is co-ordinated and used. Still, the amount of information to which we have accessed is one index of our intelligence.”

“Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you?”

“Sometimes the only way to hunt somebody is to pretend to be a prey.”

“Yesterday sets the stage for tomorrow. Therefore, since today will soon become my yesterday, I would guess that a good time to think about my tomorrow might be before it leaves the confines of today.”

“Smartness will not save this world, warmth and wisdom will.”

“For a moment David was tempted to think that perhaps there were no good people at all outside concentration camps, but then he reminded himself of the sailor and Angelo and the English people who might have been ignorant but were certainly not bad.”

“Johannes had once said that violence and cruelty were just a stupid person’s way of making himself felt, because it was easer to use your hands to strike a blow than to use your brain to find a logical and just solution to the problem.”

“There’s always something when you’re at fault, too, and that fault you must discover and learn to recognize and take the consequences of it.”

“But Johannes had said, “Politeness is something you owe other people, because when you show a little courtesy, everything becomes easier and better. But first and foremost, it’s something you owe yourself. You are David.”

“I would much rather be considered wise than smart. But, I still think it is wise to get an education.”

“When did you get so clever?””When I realized I wasn’t as clever as I thought.”

“It is not our right to punish one for thinking as he does, no matter how much we disagree.”

“Only a mind free of impediment is capable of grasping the chaotic beauty of the world. This is our greatest asset.”