“Those who fight for social justice and the rights of people will count any other thing as unimportant.”

“انهض، قف على قدميك و قاتل، على الارض لن تنال الا مزيد من الألم”

“Get used to it. Life doesn’t give, it takes. Anything worth having is worth fighting for.”

“Only smart warrior decides which battle to fight first, and when.”

“sometimes a man must fight so hard for life that he doesn’t have time to live it.”

“I cannot believe the path to victory lies in staining our souls so black we become indistinguishable from those we fight.”

“The Fall, a time when the illusion of the Maya fades away, a freedom from the identification with the illusory persona. For as the trees let go of their leaves to embrace the new season each year, there is no need to fight the shadows that form the illusion or the masks that form our egoic personas, but rather enjoy the illusion for what it is and find the freedom to accept and play a role outside of identification.”

“If you go with the flow, life will take you where it pleases, good or bad. If you take charge and fight, you can go anywhere that you please.”

“you have to have the fight to win to win the fight – (G Swiss)”

“I did not tremble when his eyes met mine. One can only shudder in fear for so long until all trepidation is replaced by unearthly bravery.”

“That’s what he is—a snake, a dangerous predator—and here I am, a mouse…waiting to be devoured.Luna Ketz, Rise Above Twilight”

“Let your faith be in the Lord Jesus and not in your strength, to fight against ungodliness and injustice in the society.”

“Fearless, fight the fight of faith.”