All Quotes By Tag: Insightful
“In as much time as it takes to smoke a cigarette, a person’s life was changed forever.”
“Standing in that half-finished church, surrounded by statues of prophets and saints, I wondered why God created so many varieties of faiths in the world if He intended all of us to worship Him in the same fashion. This thought had never occurred to me when I was a young boy memorizing the Holy Qur’an, but as I spent time with the Indians I came to see how limiting the notion of one true faith really was. Was the diversity in our beliefs, not their unity, the lesson God wanted to impart? Surely it would have been in His power to make us of one faith if that had been His wish. Now the idea that there was only one set of stories for all of mankind seemed strange to me.”
“The movie Koyaanisqatsi shows non-commented time-lapse footage and focuses our attention on the very rhythm of our civilized modern life and nature. A marijuana high can do something for a user similar to what this time-lapse footage does. The enhancement of episodic memory and the acceleration of associative streams of memories can alter and enhance our recognition of patterns in our lives in various ways. If we are presented with quick associative chains of past experiences, we can see a pattern in a body of information that is usually not at once presented to our “inner eye” as such.”
“Crazy by definition isKnowing that true sanity isA figment of the educated mind”
“O’ melancholy,hectic chill for human soul,herewith dismal presence,any spirit does descent.”
“People who are not blessed with the ability to make others laugh compensate for that by saying (or trying to say) things that are profound.”
“Some people who have been working out regularly for months or even years are still out of shape because the number of cheat days they have in a week exceeds six.”
“Some of the people who hate me love some of the sentences that I have written, until they get to the name of the person to whom the sentences are attributed.”
“Most poor people do not really aspire to end poverty; they merely aspire to escape it.”
“Many of the boys and men who are regarded as immature by some females are so deemed merely because they do not want to get married someday … or soon.”
“Life sometimes reminds us that it is sometimes heartless by giving something or someone we really need to someone who does not need or even want them or it.”
“If the food that one ate the night before were somehow able to be seen and identified through one’s clothes throughout the day, millions of employees would each fast ten or so days before their payday.”
“Some people masturbate to temporarily replace their partners when they are absent, whereas some people do that to temporarily live in the present.”
“A maid’s yard, house, wardrobe, fridge, etc. sometimes also serve as her master’s dustbin or dumpsite.”
“With regard to things such as independence, mental capabilities, and sexuality, a very old man is nothing but a gigantic infant with white hair and wrinkles.”