“You can get married in an hour, but it typically takes a year to get divorced.”

“It is a pity he did not write in pencil. As you have no doubt frequently observed, the impression usually goes through — a fact which has dissolved many a happy marriage.”

“Some people are each holding on to a lover of theirs who no longer loves them and/or who they no longer love, only because they do not want to have a reason or another reason to be jealous of the person who would eventually be their lover if they let go of them.”

“Losing a mate to death is devastating but it’s not a personal attack like divorce. When somebody you love stops loving you and walks away, it’s an insult beyond comparison.”

“He remembers which sisterI like least and askshow she is doing.(lines 9-11 of the poem ‘Divorce’)”

“In so many senseless deaths, beauty is to blame.”

“They’d apparently decided to end a dedicated, seven-year relationship over honey walnut shrimp.”

“I did not believe in stalemates. I believed in resolutions, one way or another, and if I found myself on the losing end, so be it. Losing meant quiet, and forgetting quickly, and giving up nothing of any real worth to me. I did not debate restaurant bills, politics, wrongly delivered mail, divorces. These things were officiously loud, and silence was always best.”