“You can become anything that you want to be but the goal is for you to become your best self.”

“A road often travelled has heavy traffic and you take more time to reach the destination.”

“There are two kinds of people: goal-oriented and ego-oriented. Goal-oriented people work together and get things gone. Ego-oriented people don’t work.”

“Stairs to success are made of people.”

“There is no goal that you want to attain that you cannot attain”

“Successful people who don’t know what to do with their recent success get quickly bored with it.”

“Initially, inspiration can come from anywhere but to sustain inspiration one must take actions immediately before it fades away.”

“To succeed in the new year, you have to set your priority right, pursue your goals with zeal and do away with procrastination.”

“The best judge is the one who knows what is best, and has stand in the same shoes while trying to succeed in the same goal.”

“The moment you need to get started is called “now”.”

“If you are passionate about something, then give your whole soul to it, but be careful my friend, not to ignore that one person in pursuit of your goal, who has been your only support when everyone else mocked at you.”

“Adopt as your ambition the creation of a world in which those who work against you see the light and wake up and succeed, so that the better at which you are aiming can encompass them, too.”

“Success and suffering are two sides of the same coin.”

“A goal completed is a goal completed regardless of the time it takes to complete. Do not focus on the time it will take to complete your goals but rather focus on how to complete your goal.”