“Stairs to success are made of people.”

“It’s easy to reach the top. You have to bow.”

“The most difficult thing about success is finding someone who would be happy for you.”

“It’s easy to write history. All the eyewitnesses are dead.”

“What do you want to be when you grow up,” asked the goat her ambitious lamb.” A wolf,” answered the lamb.”

“In women he doesn’t trust! He is an atheist.”

“They would sweep their poverty under the carpet if only they had one.”

“Give a man a finger, he’ll put a wedding ring on it!”

“In the beginning there was the Word. Then we broke it.”

“I am not a titleholder; I don’t steal; I don’t lie…”

“Playing a fool is the best paid role.”

“Repeat a lie a thousand times and it become a successful political campaign.”

“Things are always either black or white. The grey in between is only a confusion.”

“People will never get in touch with democracy. It’s always surrounded by bodyguards.”