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“The reason we are not moving forward , progressing or being successful is the hate we have for one another. Is the jealousy we have for others. We choose to destroy what they have build or worked hard for, rather than building our own things. I just hope that today you will chose to build yourself than to destroy others.”
“When you feel like giving up. Remember that every person gives up when they are 1 second away from their breakthrough and success. They give up when the hardest part is over, and they are about to reach the finish line.”
“It is vain futility to analyze the algebra of time.”
“It is futile to spend time telling stories about the fleetness of each day.”
“He did not waste time in a vain search for a place in history.”
“There is only as much space, only as much time, Only as much desire, only as many words, Only as many pages, only as much ink To accept all of us at light-speed Hurrying into the Promised Land Of oblivion that is waiting for us sooner or later.”
“Without space, there is no time.”
“Accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time.”
“If we were to understand how important it is to say something and say it well, maybe we wouldn’t write a single word, but that would be tragic.”
“I wanted to write the most beautiful poem but that is impossible; the world has written its own.”
“To write good poems is the secret of brevity.”
“A word only writes Its night and ridesIts dream.”
“Always focus on the power of love than the love of power”
“For an optimist, life is full of opportunity. For a pessimist, life is full of adversity. Life is what you think of it.”
“Love is the ultimate power. Never forget to use it to win over your enemies.”