“We are all a whole bunch of accidental products.”

“Accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time.”

“In life, more than in anything else, it isn’t easy to end up alive.”

“Since Alice had never received any religious instruction, and since she had led a blameless life, she never thought of her awful luck as being anything but accidents in a very busy place. Good for her.”

“A poet should be so crafty with words that he is envied even for his pains.”

“Accidents—you never have them till you’re having them.”—Eeyore”

“I swear, the best things come to me by accident! Or should I say, effortless destiny?”

“Prawda jest córą czasu poczętą w przypadkowym i krótkotrwałym romansie ze zbiegiem okoliczności.”

“Accidents happen. Our bones shatter, our skin splits, our hearts break. We burn, we drown, we stay alive.”

“There are more wrecks out of the ocean than in.”