“It’s a dangerous thing when you have love without faith and trust… No one wants to feel unsure when they give their heart away.”

“She: Why do I feel this deep pain in my heart?He: It is natural for a human being to feel the pain of a broken heart!She: Will I ever come out of this pain?He: Absolutely yes!She: Are you sure?He: Yes! Be patient! Time will one fine day mend your broken heart!”

“It’s not that I couldn’t love you moreI loved you in a way I thought you deserved You thought you deserved moreI just didn’t see It”

“Walking away ends a battle in the heart of one, and starts a war in the soul of another.”

“My heart’s been broken in a thousand pieces I’ve lived and died a thousand times And in each of those lifetimes With all of those pieces I chose you…A million times.”

“It didn’t hurt me. Not “hurt”. Hurt is a four letter word. It’s short, almost cute sounding. Aawwww, did that hurt? No. It didn’t hurt. Destroyed, Obliterated, Desecrated, Annihilated, Demolished, Shattered, or Demoralised maybe… But no. It didn’t hurt me. It didn’t “hurt” me at all.”

“She wears it so beautifully doesn’t she, her pain… Always smiling, always positive…. always happy to help… It’s like a garment perfectly tailored to fit the way she carries it… with a touch of grace… and the quietness of that sad smile…. All so you’d never know how heavy it really was.”