All Quotes By Tag: Broken
“Being broken is to try break a law”
“Some people are just time bombs, waiting to explode. Inevitably taking with them anyone foolish enough too get close. You were my time bomb, waiting to detonate my heart & leave ruins in the wake of your aftermath. And I was naive enough to have ignored that eminent threat.”
“We are all a little broken,Somewhere, Somehow, Sometime.& that’s okay!”
“การร่วงหล่นที่กินระยะเวลายาวนาน ไม่หล่นกระแทกสักทีนั้น แปลว่าแกคงร่วงลงมาจากที่สูงมาก การร่วงลงจากที่สูงมีข้อดีคือ จะทำให้มีเวลาทำใจก่อนกระทบพื้นนานสักหน่อย แต่ความน่ากลัวของมันก็คือ เมื่อลงกระแทก จะกระแทกอย่างแรง แหลก ละเอียด แนบแน่นกับพื้น คนที่เห็นซากเราจะเดาไม่ออกว่าก่อนจะมาเป็นสิ่งนี้ เราเคยเป็นสิ่งใดมาก่อน”
“You’re not a broken soul. You’re a whole soul who’s just feeling a little lost as you try a new path up the mountain.”
“Loving self and others is an every second of every day of every week, of every month, of every year gift that should not be taken for granted or withdrawn for petty arguments and misunderstandings. No one knows the day nor the hour that we or a loved one will meet our expiration here on this earth. Time to make time to heal, amend and/or forgive broken relationships, to live your dreams without regret and love like there is no tomorrow for when tomorrow is no longer there…memories will be great and consciences will be clear.”
“I am that piece of a puzzle, which would never fit in any puzzles out there. I am that sky, which refused to turn blue every morning. I am that bird, which always had broken wings and yet always tried harder to fly. And I am that tunnel, which neither had a beginning nor end but one could always see the light at both the ends.”
“When you shattered her, oh how you allowed all kinds of free-flowing magical rainbow light to enter. You allowed a cleansing. A purification. Who would’ve known breaking could be so damn beautiful! I say, break baby. Let the shattered pieces split you wide open and let light enter through all cracks and crevices.”
“I was moving around with my imperfect, broken pieces until you came across and stitched my flaws with your words.”
“There comes a point where you no longer care if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel or not. You’re just sick of the tunnel.”
“Ready for the cheap escapeOn the brink of self destruction Widespread panic Broken glass inside my head Bleeding down these thoughts ~”
“We are all a little broken, looking for something whole to hang on to. But sometimes, what seems whole is even more broken than we are.”
“[THE DAILY BREATH]What do you do when you’ve made mistakes and you can’t wash away by yourself the guilt you now have to live with? What do you do when you feel you are all alone, struggling in secret with hurt and pain you cannot share with others? What do you do when you reach the point when the books don’t work, when your friends can’t and won’t do anything more for you, when the psychological techniques and the meditations fail, when the experts raise their shoulders because they don’t know how to help you, when you feel abandoned with no way out?Religious people will tell you that you cannot come before God because you are dirty or not good enough, but I tell you: go before God because this is the only thing that will truly heal your life. Just as you are, naked, broken, dirty and hurt, walk before Jesus and tell Him everything on your heart. You cannot even grasp now the mercy and grace you receive when you open your heart to Him.”
“In an attempt to fix a crooked world, she broke herself, her heart, and her sanity.”
“A fighter never gives up. His scars are his ornaments. He may never be whole, yet he’s bigger than all his battles and beautiful, even in his brokenness.”