“Do not ever allow your mind to rob your soul of what belongs to it.”

“A peaceful spirit, a prosperous soul.”

“Once you die, that’s it – game over. Death is the ultimate cessation of the individual Self.”

“Death is the ultimate cessation of the individual Self.”

“Once you die, that’s it – game over.”

“When the spirit is happy, the soul is full of smiles.”

“When the soul harmonized with the spirit, there is happiness.”

“The actions carried out with ignorance of the Self [agnan bhaav, ignorance intent] is all bondage. Every action done with the awareness of I am pure Soul [gnan bhaav, knowledge intent], will grant liberation.”

“The greed never ends though,The peace within soul comes.”

“When can one’s soul acknowledge (accept)? When one has an ‘open mind’. This [Akram Vignan] is not something one has to keep faith in. Faith should arise automatically. Regardless of whether I rebuke or scold you, even then faith should come within you.”

“That which comes forth, is present and cautions at all times is called ‘Gnan’ (Eternal knowledge). That indeed is the Soul [Our True Self]. The Soul is not separate from the Knowledge.”

“There are some ideals to be tattooed to your soul.”

“The main recipients of injustice in any society are the afflicted the distressed and the troubled one, both in soul and in body.”

“Is there any knowledge that refreshes the soul, renew the spirit, and restored the body like the study of the Holy Scriptures?”