All Quotes By Tag: Playing
“Only in sleep I see their faces,Children I played with when I was a child,Louise comes back with her brown hair braided,Annie with ringlets warm and wild.Only in sleep Time is forgotten–What may have come to them, who can know?Yet we played last night as long ago,And the doll-house stood at the turn of the stair.The years had not sharpened their smooth around faces, I met their eyes and found them mild–Do they, too, dream of me, I wonder,And for them am I, too, a child?”
“Music is the fastest motivator in the world.”
“Approaching new people, never being afraid to ask questions, clearly expressing emotions, moving, playing and laughing. There is a lot we can learn from our children.”
“LIFE is not just a story ,it is a game of god that he is playing with us.HERE we are the player and he is a controller, he choose our destination with lifelines and give us many opportunity to enjoy it. so always has a smile on you face and solve your problems.”
“A true friend doesn’t have guts; they beat you up and later plead with you to beat them back.”
“THE FOUR HEAVENLY FOUNTAINSLaugh, I tell youAnd you will turn backThe hands of time.Smile, I tell youAnd you will reflectThe face of the divine.Sing, I tell youAnd all the angels will sing with you!Cry, I tell youAnd the reflections found in your pool of tears -Will remind you of the lessons of today and yesterdayTo guide you through the fears of tomorrow.”