“It does not matter how many times you fall, the most important thing is there exist grace to shake of the dirt, and pull all forces for a rise up.”

“Health, peace of mind, peak performance, and success in any area of life all depend upon doing the right thing at the right time, in harmony with the cycles of the Four Seasons.”

“Nothing crushes in the person his sense of self such as him following the common opinions, and be unable to make criticizing positions against what he hears or sees.The ability to express the convictions is the line between the ability and inability, and the awakening and sleep, and the growing and dwarfism.”

“Don’t be afraid to get high. Take the chance whenever it presents itself and get high on passion, on poetry, music, and art. Get drunk on nature, on silence, on the sunrise and sunset, on sensuality and sex. Get lit on the moon and lost in the stars. Sip with equal ardor the divine and the mundane alike. Let your inhibitions go. Drop the defenses. Live in the moment, with no motes to cross and no walls to scale before you can allow yourself to become lost – lost in your senses, in your heart, in the world, in your mind. If you want to make the most of this life, you have to feel it fully, to inhale it deeply, to drink with abandon. You can’t be afraid to get high.”

“Be careful. When you set out to save the world, you just might end up losing track of your home.”

“In the Way of Excellence, life and your athletic activity is truly a journey, not a destination. Peace comes from loving every moment and every step of the way. Every day is a new beginning”