“Cleanliness is not next to godliness, it is godliness. When the mind is cleansed of all primordial impurities, then and then only real godliness of actual practical potential begins to manifest.”

“Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”

“We have already said more goodbyes than are necessary. Those were goodbyes that brought about the end of partings. We taught each other that no parting is possible.”

“Know anything from it’s root and it will perish itself into nonexistence of nothingness.”

“You see God with your heart, not your eyes. You hear God with your soul, not your ears. You understand God with your mind, not your intellect. You touch God with your spirit, not your hands. You move God with your love, not your feet.”

“My mind is for the youth. My heart is for the children. My soul is for the broken. My life is for the world.”

“If you doubt the existence of God, look in the mirror, and if you are still in doubt after that, look within.”

“Whatever fear touches becomes frightful, whatever hate touches becomes pitiful, whatever love touches becomes wonderful, and whatever God touches becomes beautiful.”