“When left alone, quantum particles behave as multiple images of themselves (as waves, really), simultaneously moving through all possible paths in space and time. Now, again, why do we not experience this multitude around ourselves? Is it because we are probing things around us all the time? Why do all experiments that involve, say, the position of a particle make the particle suddenly be somewhere rather than everywhere? No one knows. Before you probe it, a particle is a wave of possibilities. After you’ve probed it, it is somewhere, and subsequently it is somewhere for ever, rather than everywhere again. Strange, that. Nothing, within the laws of quantum physics, allows for such a collapse to happen. It is an experimental mystery and a theoretical one. Quantum physics stipulates that whenever something is there, it can transform into something else, of course, but it cannot disappear. And since quantum physics allows for multiple possibilities simultaneously, these possibilities should then keep existing, even after a measurement is made. But they don’t. Every possibility but one vanishes. We do not see any of the others around us. We live in a classical world, where everything is based on quantum laws but nothing resembles the quantum world.”

“WHY live as if you shall never die?”

“The entire world is surviving only due to ‘beliefs’, not because of ‘Knowledge’ (Gnan). Every human being is (living) only because of beliefs.”

“When we live in ignorance, we live in darkness and that is where the devil rules.”

“What is happening in your world right now is your message, your sign, your omen… Everything you want to “know” is found in the way you love, the way you live, and how you respond to life.”

“To be compassionate, you have to forget your own comfort zone and live well because you live beyond yourself.”

“You have to live intentionally as one with a unique purpose and determination.”

“Life is naturally spontaneous, but know when to be DELIBERATE. Life happens, but you’re a decision maker.”

“God gave you another chance to live, because He knows your assignment on earth is not yet complete.”

“I have made it my mission to inject life into each moment, filling these moments up until they are fat and ready to burst! Life is short, it should be lived.”

“I was born not to die but to live and never born.”

“If I were to live for tomorrow, I would have lived fullest for today.”

“they say life goes on long after the thrill of living”

“Breathe as the tears flow,Breathe when you cannot gaze up high, Breathe as to know the world will lie, Breathe when you choke to ask: “Why?”Breathe even when you are about to die. Breathe when each day is a task, Breathe when every person you know wears a facial mask, Breathe because to yourself you have to ask: “Breathe because in glory I have to bask.” Breathe as the sun is to rise, Breathe even when you touch the skies, Breathe as you celebrate your triumph, success and highs, Breathe because you have to be yet grounded and be Wise. Breathe when you dive, Breathe when you strive,Breathe when to your success, you give a high-five,Breathe because you are still alive!”

“Live a little or die a lot. The choice is hours.”