“In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma – but never let him be the period, because it may just be a bad day, not a bad life!”

“Ignorance is a very useful weapon in the hands of the devil against humanity, especially Christians.”

“If there is anything the devil will want to keep you from having, it is knowledge.”

“The devil will do anything for you to be comfortable in your ignorance.”

“Ignorance is what is destroying us and not the devil.”

“To break yourself loose from the dominion, rulership and manipulation of the devil, you have to embrace light (knowledge).”

“The only reason for your intimidation by the devil, and you’re being afraid of him, or what he can do is because you are living in ignorance (darkness) which is his territory.”

“The devil is the reason for all the problems we have in the society.”

“The devil has no power over us except in our area of ignorance.”

“Let’s stop glorifying the devil, giving him power that he does not deserve or have.”

“When we live in ignorance, we live in darkness and that is where the devil rules.”

“When you live in darkness, you live under the ruler-ship of the devil.”

“The only power the devil has is in our area of ignorance.”

“We can choose to live under the rulership of God or under the rulership of the devil.”

“When you live in darkness, you live under the rulership of the devil.”