“They say life is a test and this is a ridiculous idea! There is neither examination nor examinant! You encounter problems in life either because you are stupid or your path just crosses with the problems’ path by luck! Nobody is sending you problems to test you! Stay loose and chuck out the irrational idea of ‘test’ at once!”

“I’ve tried to solve problems to the best of my knowledge. Many times I was successful, but sometimes I also failed. And now I finally understand – that’s life.”

“If you never wished you were an ass, you are most probably an ass.”

“When people refuse to pay the price of personal responsibility for the problems of the nation, these same people end up paying the high price of irresponsibility, which is often in tragedy and sorrow.”

“It is our business to proffer solution to the problem of the society.”

“The devil is the reason for all the problems we have in the society.”

“If you see your country going through economic problems, the best thing to do is to come up with a strategy, plan and vision of how to affect the economy of the nation, rather than simply fixing your own individual economic problem.”

“I told her running away from your problems doesn’t solve anything. Really it just hurts the people who count on you.”

“Solitude is the greatest treasure and through it, you can rebuild your life, reorder your life and solve life’s problems.”

“And yet, now that years have passed, I recall it and wonder that it could distress me so much. It will be the same thing, too, with this trouble. Time will go by and I shall not mind about this either.”

“It is not how under privilege you are that is the problem”

“Convert your time to solve problems that you become indispensable to your department”

“The quickest way to greatness and promotion is problem-solving”