“There is always a great price to pay for irresponsibility.”

“The price of ignorance is way more than the price we would have paid to acquire knowledge.”

“The price of ignorance is usually a life of frustration and destruction.”

“Irresponsibility is a sin with a high price tag.”

“When people refuse to pay the price of personal responsibility for the problems of the nation, these same people end up paying the high price of irresponsibility, which is often in tragedy and sorrow.”

“As long as you are ready to pay this price for living in the light (knowledge), the darkness (ignorance) becomes a servant to you.”

“The number one price of ignorance is destruction.”

“If you are ready to make a difference and shine, then you must be ready to pay the price by laboring rightly with your mouth and with hands.”

“If you are really angry, then you must be willing to pay the price of being alone or be remanded for someone else to have their freedom, illumination and justice.”

“There is a price for everything in life. Even what you receive freely has already been paid for by someone.”

“As long as you are ready to pay this price for living in the light (knowledge) the darkness (ignorance) becomes a servant to you.”

“You may have a thousand potentials inside of you but you will hardly achieve greatness if you don’t convert those potentials. Having potentials is cheap, the costly price of greatness is in the process of their conversion”

“I have better things to do.’‘Like what?’He opens one eye and looks at me. ‘Like convince a stubborn girl to admit she’s madly in love with me.’I can’t help but smile.‘So if it’s not a pig farm that you want, what is it?’ he asks.I swallow. ‘How about a safe place to live where we don’t have to scrounge for food or fight for it?’‘It’s yours.’‘That’s it? All I have to do is ask?’‘No. There’s a price for everything.’‘I knew it. What is it?’‘Me.”

“Just like freedom, Truth is not cheap. Yet both are worth more than all the gold in the world. But what is freedom, if there is no truth? And what is truth, if there is no freedom? Both are worth fighting for — because one without the other would be hell.”