“Behind every successful athlete there is a responsible coach.”

“Do what you have to do… before you do what you want to do.”

“Ultimately, while it is very important to devote oneself to work painstakingly, to get oneself totally engrossed in work while neglecting everything else, is equally incorrect.”

“Success is yours, and what is yours you don’t beg for it, you don’t kneel down for it. You just have to be responsible and go for it and you will have it.”

“Don’t ever ask for permission to follow your dreams. Follow them no matter fucking what. It’s important. We have one life here and you are the author of your story, more than anybody else. You are much more responsible for your dreams coming true or not than anyone else in your life you have contacted with. So, dream big, work hard, and make it happen no matter what.”

“Why am I always lost in the woods,” I yell at the top of my voice! And if I choose to settle down for a moment and be honest with myself, I’ll rather reluctantly admit that I drew the map.”

“The master of the garden is the one who waters it, trims the branches, plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds. If you merely stroll through the garden, you are but an acolyte.”

“All stories have a curious and even dangerous power. They are manifestations of truth — yours and mine. And truth is all at once the most wonderful yet terrifying thing in the world, which makes it nearly impossible to handle. It is such a great responsibility that it’s best not to tell a story at all unless you know you can do it right. You must be very careful, or without knowing it you can change the world.”

“Faith, in its most correct form, never removes responsibility; it removes fear of responsibility. The results are complete opposites with the greater saying, ‘God’s will is my delight.”