“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your well-being first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”

“You aren’t doing “nothing” when you choose to put your wellbeing first. In fact, this is the key to having everything.”

“If you skipped some chapters in a book it wouldn’t make much sense would it? Allow your story to unfold and connect as it should with faith that better chapters are ahead.”

“Hope is important. It allows you to survive.But there’s a point where tough love is required if you want to change.Action is necessary. It allows you to live.”

“To be vulnerable is to heal yourself … just as much as it is to heal others.”

“No two eating disorders are the same.No two individuals are the same.No two paths to recovery are the same.But everyone’s strength to reach recovery IS the same.”

“Trust the unknown. Trust yourself. Let go of searching for answers and the answers will appear.”

“Your past, including your failures, simply offers feedback that makes you wiser and stronger than before.”

“Recovery is full of ups and downs.There is no such thing as a linear life.But you can always turn your setbacks into setups to come back stronger.”