“In chaos is where learning happens the most.”

“Mindset is everything. Like the eye of a storm -find the sunshine and calm within you, even if there is chaos outside of you.”

“Where there is darkness, there is chaos and confusion, but when light shines, things are set in order and the light rules and governs.”

“The abiding western dominology can with religion sanction identify anything dark, profound, or fluid with a revolting chaos, an evil to be mastered, a nothing to be ignored. ‘God had made us master organizers of the world to establish system where chaos reigns. He has made us adept in government that we may administer government among savages and senile peoples.’ From the vantage point of the colonizing episteme, the evil is always disorder rather than unjust order; anarchy rather than control, darkness rather than pallor. To plead otherwise is to write ‘carte blanche for chaos.’ Yet those who wear the mark of chaos, the skins of darkness, the genders of unspeakable openings — those Others of Order keep finding voice. But they continue to be muted by the bellowing of the dominant discourse.”

“Underneath the chaos there stirs a great plan. And it will be birthed only if I give it permission to do so because I have exercised the faith that it’s there.”

“The ocean pulsed outside our window. The sound of the waves crashing on the rocks below usually calmed me down, but the fear and chaos that were tangled in my mind made that an impossibility.”

“The poet knows that he speaks adequately, then, only when he speaks somewhat wildly.”

“There are snippets of hope shining in the darkest corners of chaos, you must not be scared. Refrain from letting fear cover your eyes.”

“Fall in love with yourselfbecause the oneyou’ve been searching forso desperately is you.”

“I will keep falling deep down into my abyss, until my chaos turns it into an art scene.”

“There are people like Senhor José everywhere, who fill their time, or what they believe to be their spare time, by collecting stamps, coins, medals, vases, postcards, matchboxes, books, clocks, sport shirts, autographs, stones, clay figurines, empty beverage cans, little angels, cacti, opera programmes, lighters, pens, owls, music boxes, bottles, bonsai trees, paintings, mugs, pipes, glass obelisks, ceramic ducks, old toys, carnival masks, and they probably do so out of something that we might call metaphysical angst, perhaps because they cannot bear the idea of chaos being the one ruler of the universe, which is why, using their limited powers and with no divine help, they attempt to impose some order on the world, and for a short while they manage it, but only as long as they are there to defend their collection, because when the day comes when it must be dispersed, and that day always comes, either with their death or when the collector grows weary, everything goes back to its beginnings, everything returns to chaos.”

“I want you here. I don’t care if it’s a hundred degrees and every blade of grass dies. Without you, none of that matters to me.”

“Look deeper through the telescopeand do not be afraid when the starscollide towards the darkness,because sometimes the most beautifulthings begin in chaos.”

“My life before him was so simple and decided, now after him…It’s just…After.”