“Where there is darkness, there is chaos and confusion, but when light shines, things are set in order and the light rules and governs.”

“Light rules over darkness.”

“God rules through light.”

“If you want to be among the few who rule the world you therefore must learn to convert every time of your life, every second and minute that passes by.”

“The whole world will stand still to give you a way to the top if you practice the rule of ten thousand hours. The world gives way to the man who knows where he is going.”

“To truly be better than your past self, you must practice the rule of ten thousand hours and you must invest so much time building yourself up.”

“If you really one to become great, you must practice the rule of ten thousand hours.”

“After deciding the territory you want to rule over, the next thing you must do is to invest your time into developing yourself and becoming the best in that territory.”

“To rule on earth, to be great on earth you need strong faith in yourself coupled with aggressive conversion of your time”

“If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule. NEVER TO LIE TO YOURSELF.”

“Rule your mind or it will rule you.”

“Do not hate the player, nor the game…rule it!”