“Holding him like that moved me in a way I cannot describe, except to say I felt the seeds of death inside his shrivelling frame, and as I laid him in his chair, adjusting his head on the pillows, I had the coldest realisation that our time was running out.”

“Hold on to and cherish even the smallest of moments… you may not know it yet, but years from now when you look back… they could become one of your biggest memories!”

“I don’t understand how can people hold faith and reasoning in the same head. To my understanding, faith, like love, is blind.”

“It’s the dark side of the moon which will hold all the keys to who is up there.”

“In my mind I hold all the wisdom of the known world, but when I hold you in my arms I hold all the love that I will ever need in all of the universe.”

“The thumb may look like an ordinary finger, truly it is a miraculous gift from God! If all the fingers were long and straight, it would be impossible for us to hold or catch anything easily! If there were no thumb, then human civilisation would lag way behind!”