“Always be fearless. Walk like lion, talk like pigeons, live like elephants and love like an infant child.”

“Discipline is the thing that makes you do what you might not want to, but you do it anyway because it’s what you have to do in order to get what you want or desire.”

“A sure success is the grace to mediate on the scriptures.”

“None of our achievement matters, than how we have lived our lives.”

“Make time to study the Holy Scripture.”

“You can change your life, one day at a time.”

“Although sometimes the road to success follows a path less-travelled, a path less-travelled often leads to nowhere”

“Don’t waste time defending your intentions. History will judge you by the outcomes of your actions”

“The ability to differentiate between life challenges and who you are at the core is everything. A failed business, relationship or dream doesn’t make you a failure as a person.”

“Dreams hit the fan? Life unexpectedly take a turn for the worst? Here’s what you do:First thing I think is to realize God didn’t do this to you. It’s just life.Second, know that it sucks. It does.Third, it’s a tunnel not a cave.Fourth, it still sucks.Fifth, it’s not hopeless. Assign meaning to it. Choose for these horrible things to bring you closer to family and god and not farther apart.Praying for you”

“If you believe in yourself, you will soar high in the heavenly haven.”