All Quotes By Tag: Betrayal
“Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don’t care but because they don’t. A person’s actions will tell you everything you need to know. Love yourself enough to say goodbye to those who don’t make time for you or don’t know how to love you back. Let go of what hurts, even if it hurts to let go.” ~ Jennifer Green”
“…fool me once, shame on me…fool me twice…I deserved to get fucked over.”
“Parla abbastanza a lungo con qualcuno e tirerà fuori la storia del tempo. Ma il tempo non guarisce veramente le ferite, non allontana affatto il dolore – fa il contrario. Il tempo dà altro tempo alla ferita d’infettarsi e dà a noi il tempo di tornare sui luoghi di quel dolore.È come l’infanzia, in fondo. Si dice che si cresce, ci si lasciano alle spalle certe cose, ma non è così: l’infanzia cresce insieme a noi, ce la portiamo avanti. Viviamo e non facciamo altro che rivivere quelle paure e quei piaceri, quelle scoperte e quegli abbandoni. Specialmente quegli abbandoni. Veniamo abbandonati, delusi, traditi dalle stesse persone per anni – per sempre. Allora a che serve dire che è passato del tempo?In che modo dovrebbe aiutarci?”
“Our nemesis is time, against which we have a single ally, memory, and even it betrays us.”
“Trust is not a gasoline-soaked blanket that succumbs to the matches of betrayal, never able to be used for its warmth again; it’s a tapestry that wears thin in places, but can be patched over if you have the right materials, circumstances, and patience to repair it. If you don’t, you’re always the one who feels the coldest when winter comes.”
“To write is your last resort when you’ve betrayed someone.”
“You have filled my life with the warmth of your love. My heart, once frozen with betrayal, now beats only for you.”
“Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook.”
“For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar’s angel:Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar loved him!This was the most unkindest cut of all”
“True heroes and ideas never fall in the final sense of the word. They can only encounter temporary setbacks in their difficult journey to progress and success,”
“Fear is a basic human instinct and an indicator of the gravity of a situation. It becomes an asset if it is effectively controlled. It becomes a weakness for a man if he lets it prevail over him.”
“Human ties are the greatest distorters of reality because they tend to conceal man’s worst selfish instincts.”
“Expose human ties for what they really are and you are most likely to find the worst forms of betrayal staring back at you.”
“…only the dreamers of a dream are capable of translating their dreams into worthy practical endeavors that are devoid of haunting errors. After all, they are the ones who carefully observed the link between their dreams and reality; they are the ones who worked consciously to blend them into one.”
“The people are like an audience watching a drama. They have characters whose sides they chose even before the start of the show, but they know little or nothing about the people behind the stage―the manipulators.”