“Where is true love,there is no time.”

“Deep in infatuationI saw all things rosyOh the thrill, the excitement,the new-found energy, and the bounce in my stepsHow so easy to make myself believe That I was in love! True love!From where came this jealousy?This anger? This bitterness?My loved one is hurting meI told myself repeatedly.Days passed. My negativity grewThey need to pay for toying with me I sworePrayers for justiceCurses to make them realise what they lost I saw all things blackFound solace in quotes about Karma…From where came this calm?This blissful indifference?I don’t know. I don’t care.All I want to say is: thank you, Time.”

“I’ll wait for you to find me again. So don’t take too long.”

“In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie.[Dedication to Sagan’s wife, Ann Druyan, in Cosmos]”

“You have filled my life with the warmth of your love. My heart, once frozen with betrayal, now beats only for you.”

“With you alongside,Magic is,less a dictionary word,And more a,part of life.”

“The fear of God is an insane idea. God is love and “there is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out all fear.”

“True love is reflected from every word and every chamber of the heart.”

“You are a hole in my life, a black hole. Anything I place there cannot be returned. I miss you terribly. Ci vedremo lassu, angelo.”

“I can’t forgive her. If I did then I would insult true love..”

“If I have loved anyone truly it is you. You are the completeness of my incompleteness. You walked into my life and made me fall in love with life. I who was a wanderer in search of true love found the ocean of love in you. You came into my life like the rain to a parched desert. You made me understand the sensitivity and tenderness present within my own heart. You made a melancholy poet like me find the elixir of love. Your tenderness and sensitivity has now pervaded into the very pore of my being. Last night you made me inhale the fragrance of the moon. I love you. And I can’t love anyone else after you!”

“Daniel?” The throaty question had him closing the space between them, pulling her closer into his embrace.“The way you say my name, that was the second mistake. You haven’t closed your heart yet.”