All Quotes By Tag: True-love
“Love, like Fortune, favours the bold.”
“I couldn’t have gotten through any of this without you. Through all of it, you’ve been my support, my anchor. I don’t know how one man’s shoulders can possibly be so strong.”…He tilted her face up to his. “With the love I feel for you, bella, I could lift up the world.”
“I married a man who was as much a part of me as my own soul.”
“He didn’t take any of my shit. I needed that.”
“The divorce papers remained unopened in the crisp yellow envelope. He had thrown it on his desk without a backward glance. Between his lashes, his dark chocolate eyes burned with fury but there was something else in the depths that she hadn’t seen in a long time, passion.”
“I hope you outlive me so I never have to know what life is like without you.”
“Wolves mated for life. Where was he? Where was the echo to her howl, her mate? Was there no other lone wolf, searching the hills for her?”
“Who knew such belongings?That the truest loveCould blendThe margins of lifeInto forgotten wants.”
“Lips that have tasted the salt of tears always give the sweetest kiss.”
“Christian FaithFor me, being a Christian is all about true love. The Gospel of John instructs us, “Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” I believe that first we need to love ourselves, even when we are told that we do not deserve love. Then we need to love others, especially those who have not been treated with love. And of course, we need to love Jesus. Love for Jesus can be the foundation for living a good life, a life full of compassion and joy. Loving Jesus is where I believe a Christian life starts, because that love spreads all around, to people, animals, and the world.Animal RightsDuring my life so far, animals have brought me joy and comfort when I thought that I would never find happiness. My bunny Neon taught me so much about unconditional love. This experience showed me that animals have souls deserving of love just as much as humans, and they can be some of the purest examples of God’s love on Earth. I believe we can all show animals the compassion and love they deserve by choosing products that are fur-free and cruelty-free and by eating a vegan diet. Even people who aren’t prepared to commit to a vegan lifestyle can make thoughtful everyday choices that reduce needless cruelty against animals.Human RightsI have myself been a victim of abuse, so I know how hopeless life can seem to those in dark situations. However, I also know how much of a difference a small ray of light can make. My goal in life now is to shine that ray of light onto as many people in need as possible. As an advocate for human rights, I aim to raise awareness and help others who are suffering. From volunteering for organizations, to simply looking out for a neighbor or friend, we can all make a difference in helping others. Human rights of freedom and safety belong to each of us, and we all have a responsibility to support people who are the most vulnerable.”
“Finally, mutually, and completely, they released all doubts, abandoned all fears, unwilling and unable to deny this overpowering love.”
“True love is longing to belong as if love is all there is in life.”
“Love is supposed to be based on trust, and trust on love, it’s something rare and beautiful when people can confide in each other without fearing what the other person will think.”
“True love asks no questions, makes no reservations, but puts itself unconditionally into the hands of the loved one.”
“I already knew our “ever after” wouldn’t always be happy or even comfortable―and clearly it couldn’t be expected to go according to plan. Still, it was ours. And we were both determined enough to see it through to “the end.”