“He had let me know time after time that he was a thinking man, a man of intellect and wit. Yet one unintended hungry look into my eyes and he betrayed each of his words he had carefully spoken to me. I knew it in that instant. He was a viscerally driven man. And one day, he would possess me.”

“The real substance is at the bottom of the sea. That’s where the mystery unfolds. The deepest part of your heart is like the deepest part of the ocean, and when someone is brave enough to go there, it’s worth sharing the treasures buried deeply within.”

“People who hide there feelings usually cares the most”

“Love makes you do,the best of things.Love makes you do, the worst of things,It’s a feeling extreme,that doesn’t exist in between.”

“Absence is more,thorny on the soul,than however dulcet,presence can be.Apparently,I have missed you,more than,I have ever loved you.”

“I was moving around with my imperfect, broken pieces until you came across and stitched my flaws with your words.”

“You don’t know what love is until you find it,” he whispered, “but when you do, promise me you won’t let it go. Promise you’ll seek it out even when you’re scared it’ll hurt.”

“She was his dawn of bliss He was her dusk of wounds,Each day they came up to See and touch They couldn’t stay for long But they looked perfect together ~”

“Like Cupid,your promiseswere just misses.”

“I used to wonder if we were destined to fail from the start, two people who lived hard and loved fast. Afraid to slow down. But now I know that my fingers weren’t long enough to reach your wounds, to caress the places that ached from the sharp words and careless actions of others. People had confused your gentleness for weakness. You carried everything heavy. Had I known, I would have danced delicate language all around you. I would’ve told you that your internal brightness illuminated mine. And that I only saw the beauty in myself when I looked at my reflection in your eyes. If only I had known that behind that strong gaze was everything else. Everything you didn’t want me to know. Your shine came from what you felt when you looked at me. And you feared that I would be yet another to use your light and leave you alone. In even more darkness.But I wouldn’t have.I didn’t know how to tell you, but I know that pain too.”

“It’s this thing I have. I’m sorry if it scared you. I feel other people’s feelings. I imagine crumbling insides and splitting hearts, goodbyes that hang in the air before they break into tiny pieces. I hear words that aren’t said, the echoes of lonely hallways and hollow footsteps. I hear sobs that soak pillowcases when all the lights are out and the world is sleeping. I carry this inside of me, all of it. I knew you paced the floor at night, trying to walk over all the things you didn’t want me to know. But I felt every wound you ever endured when I rested against you. I felt the ache that I have, deep inside of me, on your lips. Every time we kissed, I tasted a lifetime of tangled paths and bumpy roads woven with joined hands. Love isn’t blind, you see. I felt everything you were and could be, if only you stopped hiding in the same darkness you sheltered me from. I knew who you could become if someone loved you just right.I’m sorry if that scared you.Just in case you were wondering, I still love you and I’ll keep the lights dim.Come home.”

“Trust him but keep your eyes open.”

“What you see on the outside, never tells the true story of someone’s heart.”

“You were like this rare, beautiful comet lighting up the dark sky.”

“It was juvenile, he knew, this need to assign blame, but everyone had a right to childish emotions from time to time, didn’t they?”