“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.-Leonard Cohen”

“the unexpected moment [is] always sweeter.”

“I hope you outlive me so I never have to know what life is like without you.”

“I wonder if you know how special you are; I wonder if you know how precious you are; I wonder if you know how lucky I am to have you in my life; I love you so much.”

“I am sure that God has given all his time in making you, the remaining human race has been created in haste.”

“When it comes to love, Princess, rules blur, and traditions fade,”

“The soul, they say, is divine and the flesh is iniquity. But I am a musician and I ask this – without the wood and the strings of the violin, where would the sonata find form?”

“I didn’t want to be the woman who gave herself over willingly to the first man to notice her. I didn’t want to be the stupid girl in every novel who loved without question and entered relationships that didn’t make sense.”

“Lips that have tasted the salt of tears always give the sweetest kiss.”

“Strano come certi ridicoli rituali appaiano perfettamente sensati quando si è innamorati.”

“What comes from the heart will go to the heart”

“The weakness of a man is the strength of a woman”

“Where are You Now? I was there whilst you cried,I was there to comfort you with smile,I was there to give you a hand,when all faith was lost.I was there to open doors of opportunities,I was there to share my passion for life,I was there to feed you,when you were hungry.I was there to listen to your turmoil,I was there to lift your spiritwhen you were broken.I was there when you were ill and alone.I was there when you were betrayed,lied to and ridiculed.I was there to understand,to care and to share.I was there …to play, to sing, to dance,to write, to love, to create and innovate.I was there …Where are you now? …by Natasha Parker”