All Quotes By Tag: Feelings
“But I stayed up thinking about how I’ve been lying to him, no less than I lie to myself in my pre-sleep ritual. And I lied to him again just as we were growing more intimate than ever and he asked me about my scar.”
“He clearly suffers from some past traumas too, so hopefully he’ll understand why I was untruthful to him about mine.”
“Adding to my emotional dizziness on Sunday, I spoke with my sister, who kept noting how amazing Michael is, and what a brave and selfless man he is for having helped as he did.”
“If you really wanna be a part of my life, you will get wet with the rain of tweets, be ready for that too. With love yours soulmate.”
“Sorry” we all say “Sorry” for the wrong things we say and do. But do we always think about the people we love dearly who we say hurtful things to? I don’t think so because if we had think about it sorry wouldn’t have become such a popular word today. Sometimes we say so much and act immature as adult. We didn’t take the time to realize how much hurt and pain we put that individual in we never took the time to think of the reaction, the feelings and the consequence that we might have to face if what we do turns out to be a matter of life and death.!!!”
“People tell me it’s a sinTo know and feel too much within”
“They luxuriated in the feeling of deep and all pervading satisfaction, a feeling of knowing absolutely that all was well with the world…Not only were all things possible, but all things were theirs.”
“When it comes to change; feelings like frustrations, anger and irritations can easily be converted by each person to become a powerful force of change.”
“- Non le succede qualche volta, guardando la forma del fuoco, di provare una strana sensazione? – chiese a Miyake.- Cioè?- Sentire in modo stranamente preciso delle cose che nella vita di tutti i giorni di solito non percepiamo. Non so come dire…non sono brava a esprimermi, ma a stare così a guardare il fuoco, senza alcuna ragione provo una sensazione di pace.Miyake ci pensò su.- La forma del fuoco è libera. E siccome è libera, chi la guarda può vederci qualunque cosa. Se lei guardando il fuoco prova una sensazione di pace, è perché la sensazione di pace che ha dentro ci si riflette. Capisce cosa intendo?- Sì.- Però, non si può dire che questo succeda guardando le fiamme di qualsiasi fuoco. Perché accada, le fiamme devono essere libere.”
“Don’t be a slave to the desire of your virtual world.”
“I wish the army had taught us how to navigate feelings as easily as they did a starless night sky.”
“To all those who care, You can’t forever. Time steals the years,And your reflection in the mirror.But I can still see the story in your eyes, And your timeless passion that’s never died.While your skin became tired,Your heart became strong,The present became the past,And your memories like a song.And though the moment at hand is all that we have, You’ve taught me to live it like it is our last.Since two words don’t say ‘thank you’ the way they are meant to,I’ll try all my life to be something like you.”
“The greatest musicians never cared to be rock stars. They just wanted to play. The greatest actors never cared to be movie stars; they just loved their craft. The greatest artists painted on canvas to fill their own hearts. It’s how we truly feel about things in life that will determine our success.”
“I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot of time to read in the next few days or weeks.” She thought about it and said, “Jesus. How long do you think things will go on like this?”
“We’re meant for each other for a moment, but no one knows how long the moment lasts except the moment itself.”