“Sorry” we all say “Sorry” for the wrong things we say and do. But do we always think about the people we love dearly who we say hurtful things to? I don’t think so because if we had think about it sorry wouldn’t have become such a popular word today. Sometimes we say so much and act immature as adult. We didn’t take the time to realize how much hurt and pain we put that individual in we never took the time to think of the reaction, the feelings and the consequence that we might have to face if what we do turns out to be a matter of life and death.!!!”

“The 7 Steps to Transformation:1. Dream it.2. Envision it.3. Think it.4. Grow it.5. Become it.6. Live it.7. OWN it.”

“Just as you are what you think, you are also what you dream.”

“الأنسان عبارة عن مجموعة عقول في صراع دائم بعضها مع بعض وأحياناً يغلب الشر فيها الخير مؤدياً إلى عواقب وخيمة”

“Reasoning is that voice of wisdom that speaks to you right before you speak. But it’s so low, that you would have to listen inwardly to hear it.”

“One good thing about inspiration is that you don’t go for it, it comes to you naturally. Sometimes without even thinking.”

“You become ill or attract illness or dis-ease into your life because you refuse to let your brain grow.”

“The brain grows when used to think, to read and to create possibilities.”

“The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.”

“Accountability is the key to obedience for achieving Glory & Grace”

“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”