All Quotes By Tag: Gratitude-quotes
“Gratitude is only expressed and appreciated in proportion to your understanding of grace.”
“Yes, my scars shape meToday, I have learnt to coverit with fabric made of hope, faith, perseverance, and determination. For this, I am grateful to life”
“Is not the circumstances, but your attitude of gratitude, faith and grace, that will bring you serendipity and good fortune everyday.”
“I will always appreciate those who made me go through rough times because without those, I wouldn’t have the wisdom and power that lies within me now.”
“When you give more than anyone could possibly expect you get more than you ever expected.”
“I have finally come to the realisation that nothing is truer than our own manifestation.I mean society sucks, everything is backwards and I am awake in a world alone full of ignorant minds, toxic belief systems and sleeping souls.My mind is a bed of soil for me to plant my seeds, I need to keep my soil healthy.I have to water my seeds with actions and in the warmth of presence day by day, I appreciate watching my plants grow.I am fluid, I am objective and I make noise waking the sleeping souls around me as my garden comes to life.Lead by example.”
“If all you ever said was thank you, you will have lived a life that’s worthwhile.”
“Expectation has brought me disappointment. Disappointment has brought me wisdom. Acceptance, gratitude and appreciation have brought me joy and fulfilment.”
“She sees the best in the world. Not because she is exposed to the best. She’s exposed to the same madness as everybody else. She chooses to see the beauty in all.”
“Count your crowns, not your crosses.”
“What are five things you are grateful for? Right now? Open to gratitude and you will soften into joy.”
“Thanksgiving is a joyous invitation to shower the world with love and gratitude.”
“The circumstances surrounding your birth is not as important as the opportunity to live life.”
“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”