All Quotes By Tag: Challenges-quotes
“Put in the time, learn something new, challenge your perception and know that a setback is an opportunity in hindsight”
“Earth has two suns: One is outside, the Sun and one is within, the Wisdom! Both shine, both guide and both are bold in challenging the darknesses!”
“Light at the end of the tunnel is inconsequential when your inner light is on.”
“If you have lived through hell, you’ll appreciate Heaven.”
“It is better to endure a storm than to run to the wrong shelter.”
“You can only get wine from grapes by crushing them.”
“The greater the cross you bear the greater the crown you’ll wear.”
“God hands the sky a storm and the sky hands God back a rainbow. Be likewise.”
“A rose that grows without a thorn is robbed of its beauty.”
“When you run from trials you are running from blessings too.”
“It is pressure, not pleasure, that births diamonds.”
“It is pressure that births diamonds, not pleasure.”
“The greater your cross the greater your crown.”
“When the world throws rocks at you, turn them into diamonds.”
“If dirt was truly worthless, nothing valuable would flourish in it.”