“Pressure knocks at my doorA clock ticks and demands its dueThe lava burns from the floorBut not in a game like it used to.So little time to figure it all outSo many distractions to prevent successI’m in a dark forest with no path or routeBut this internal fire knows no rest.”

“I don’t want safety or guarantees—I want a life worth living.I want to jump off a skyscraperAnd fashion a parachute on the way downOut of my fears and trepidationsBecause sometimes survivalIsn’t the most important thingAnd survivingIsn’t the same as living.”

“It is such a pity how some peopleAre dead long before their hearts stop beating.”

“You’re just one of those special peopleYou meet every once in a great while.”

“Forgive often and completely.”

“Under a night’s skyFilled with a hundred billion starsIs it so crazy to believeOur paths were destined to cross?”

“The most important benefit of making mistakes is Learning.”

“You can sleep peacefully if you realize that you will never be able to wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.”

“Irreconcilable thoughts are like ceiling fans, they keep moving but take you nowhere.”

“I take my own time to impress. If you’re impatient, I’m just another ordinary person!-SP”

“There are two types of people. Myself and the rest.-SP”

“The determination to succeed is the antidote to the fear of failure.”

“Apple cider vinegar has long been a staple in recipes and in home remedies. Some believe it is an age-old secret and a fountain of youth ingredient that you already have in your kitchen.”

“An ocean of shimmering love exists in your heart. Tap into it today and rest in the undulating currents of the great mystery.”