“Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.”

“I would rather have 1 amazing best friend than 100 decent regular friends. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality.”

“Sometimesyou meet people and know immediatelythat they were meant to be your friend.”

“Even seasonal situations can bring with them lessons that last a lifetime. If the love doesn’t last, it prepares you for the one that will.”

“Some bad friends are so crafty in such a way that by the time their mission is reveal, they have already executed portions of it.”

“I suggest to you, late or not late, the moment you have discovered that the mission of someone is to pee on your dreams, keep him away or keep away from him.”

“In times of failure you are alone. But success brings many friends.”

“When you understand that through the power of conversion in solitude you can become great, so many things you’ve been wasting your time on will no longer interest you. You will even run away from some friends.”

“Le persone che ho incontrato, quelle con cui sono entrata in contatto… Tutti quanti, anche se hanno paura, anche se soffrono e non trovano una via d’uscita, cercano qualcosa. Un passo alla volta, con determinazione, facendosi coraggio, spronandosi a vicenda e sostenendosi tentano di andare avanti.Solo io non riesco a muovermi di un passo.Per me, il tempo si è fermato.”

“In this bubble of time, I wasn’t a freak and he wasn’t a bully, and we could be friends without anyone knowing, and at least for now, that was enough.”

“Friends won’t support you until they see strangers celebrate you.”

“Have 10 friends who believe in your dreams than 100 friends who never do. It’s not about numbers; it’s about purpose.”

“Sound body, serene mind, smiling face and sensible society is enough to live a satisfying social life.”

“O sucesso só é por inteiro quando não altera quem somos e não nos afasta dos nossos verdadeiros amigos.”