“Avoid those who seek friends in order to maintain a certain social status or to open doors they would not otherwise be able to approach.”

“Everyone cannot elevate or even revelate at the same time and/or season; an appointment to elevation can result from being specially chosen…like fruit that is ready, ripe and refined for its pleasurable taste.Even scriptural wisdom documents that “Many are called, few are chosen.”Those chosen ‘few’ may deeply sense that at the core function of elevation is an acension both to and from a higher positioned calling for it…a destiny appointment that will be met without haste…separation has the ability to confirm that elevation has its own appointment…prompted by the foreknowledge of a most SUPER natural selection.”

“Beauty is subjective. You know how sometimes what makes a person attractive is the way they make you laugh or how it seems like they can read your mind?”

“There was one question, however, which Inciarte had asked him and he could not answer. Why was it that he had lived while others had died? What purpose had God in making this selection? What sense could be made out of it? ‘None,’ replied Father Andrés. ‘There are times when the will of God cannot be understood by our human intelligence. There are things which in all humility we must accept as a mystery.”