“Everyone cannot elevate or even revelate at the same time and/or season; an appointment to elevation can result from being specially chosen…like fruit that is ready, ripe and refined for its pleasurable taste.Even scriptural wisdom documents that “Many are called, few are chosen.”Those chosen ‘few’ may deeply sense that at the core function of elevation is an acension both to and from a higher positioned calling for it…a destiny appointment that will be met without haste…separation has the ability to confirm that elevation has its own appointment…prompted by the foreknowledge of a most SUPER natural selection.”

“In every time of season change: it is #wise to slow down and examine what our ego, thought-habits, and spiritual-energy are communicating to others…our environments. Truth is these thoughts (attitudes that aren’t situationally static) are producing real activity, outcomes that shape our existence. Consider the conception of our thoughts, and what they will give birth to beyond the physical…they have an incredible power, with or without our active will, to lift us, sink us or soar us. Consider how we as human beings can be subject to the law enforcement of living under our own thought legislation…Selah.”

“So what if there’s no sun out today…I’m full of divine shine anyway…at any time, day or night…I’ve learned its quite all right. As a faith-height guide, I pack a powerful spotlight flash that can push back the darkness with an inner grin, facing forward into life’s best light…”

“In the faces of humanity, the countenances that shine brightest are those whose minds are powered by wisdom’s Divine supplier of enlightment…selah.”