“The past is history, the future is a mystery, and this moment is a gift. That is why this moment is called the ‘present.”

“Again time elapsed.”

“No need to feel guilty if you can’t be a good man all the time. But anytime your heart is feeling so eager to do even a small good deed, then it might be a good chance for you…to be a better man.”

“When I encountered these haunting words from Franz Kafka, I realized exactly why this light sermon about the search for God had struck such a nerve: “Everyday life is the greatest detective story ever written. Every second, without noticing, we pass by thousands of corpses and crimes. That’s the routine of our lives.”

“He wrote: “A religion to be true must include everything from the amoeba to the milky way.” Nothing must be excluded from our view and purview for any faith to be true. ”

“The mysterious does not spell itself out in capital letters, as many writers believe, but is always between, an interstice.”

“Your boss takes a dim view of SEX?”

“It’ll be a change,” says Marcus. “Something different.””Not a mystery.”Marcus laughs. “No. Not a mystery. Just a nice safe history.”Ah, my darling. But there is no such thing.”

“That’s what I love most about writers–they’re such lousy actors.”

“Actors are all about entrances, but writers are all about exits.”

“Writing is a lifelong commitment that taxes every scribble, and only reimburses at the grave. A.W. RyleighEvery daydream, every moment, every thought in preoccupation….write it.A.W. Ryleigh”

“I just liked the idea that there’s still things that we don’t know. At school, it’s the same thing, every day. I liked that it might be all right to believe in large, mad, wild things.”

“I have heard all I ever want to hear about the past,” he said; “and I know what I most wanted to know about the future. Everybody says, Midwinter, you have a career before you, and I believe that everybody is right. Who knows what great things may happen before you and I are many years older?”.”Who _need_ know?” said Midwinter, calmly. “Happen what may, God is all-merciful, God is all-wise. In those words your dear old friend once wrote to me. In that faith I can look back without murmuring at the years that are past, and can look on without doubting to the years that are to come.”

“After earning a degree in Marketing at Auburn University, I spent the next five years in the business world, which is a polite way of saying that I had eleven jobs in a five-year period, including door to door sales, skip tracing people who didn’t want to be found, repossessing cars and collecting on defaulted student loans. During this five-year period, I did an in-depth study of abnormal psychology and sociopathic behavior – and then I divorced him.”

“There are things that will happen to you and there is nothing you can do about this. Isn’t it exciting beyond belief?”