“The blood dried on his good hand, he passed his palm over her hair. It curled about his wrist and sprung back into displace as the breeze fluttered by. In the firelight, it was golden like the dandelions of which she’d spoken. The ones that had grown along the Franklin riverbank in late summer. The ones he had lost any faith in since he’d committed his first murder there.”

“The corpse opened his eyes.”

“The northern star changes its position every ten thousand years, but friendships can last for all eternity.— RJPeters”

“My heart, for unknown reasons, seems to freeze in motion in my chest. I can see he senses it and he holds his pause to enjoy my suffering, prolonging my ignorance. “Viktor, what?”

“He tugged my zipper down like he was unveiling a gift, spreading my pants open. “Yeah. There it is. You have a nice fat dick. I would have never guessed it.”“I’m Italian,” I said inanely.”

“People like mystery. They want nothing explained, because when things are explained then there is no hope left. I have seen folk dying and known there is nothing to be done, and I am asked to go because the priest will soon arrive with his dish covered by a cloth, and everyone prays for a miracle. It never happens. And the person dies and I get blamed, not God or the priest, but I!”

“Gay Sex Three, Straight Sex Nil”

“Romance is everything to turn it into a cause for given is priceless”

“Every woman is a science; for he that plods upon a woman all his life long, shall at length finde himself short of the knowledge of her.”

“Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers.Let me keep company always with those who say “Look!” and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads.”

“That’s the last time I put you in charge of the tequila when we’re making margaritas”

“Never Give up, never surrender.”

“Oh, sometimes I like to put the sand of doubt into the oyster of my faith.” (Br. Cadfael)”